What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, a 5000-year-old traditional science originating in India means “the Science of Life“. It is a holistic system of natural healing that aligns with the rhythms of nature that govern everything around us, including ourselves. Ayurveda recognizes that our bodies are intelligent and know how to stay healthy. Instead of looking at treating symptoms, it focuses on fixing the root cause of any issues and creating a strong foundation for well-being. It aims at restoring balance among mind, body, spirit, and senses. 

Influenced by the cycles of the earth, sun, moon, and stars, our internal rhythms are harmonised with these natural laws. Ayurvedic wisdom guides us to understand and work with the intelligence of the 5 elements which are the fundamental building blocks of life:


Out of these 5 elements, Ayurveda identifies 3 basic types of energy that are present in everyone and everything around us called the “Doshas”. Since there are no single words in English that convey these concepts, we use the original Sanskrit word Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

These principles can be related to the basic biology of the body. We all have the 3 Doshas within us in varying proportions and this is what makes us unique. The tendencies that we may have, are all a manifestation of our Doshas.

Each Dosha is the synergy of 2 elements:

Vata = Air + Space: Vata is the energy of movement. Vata governs breathing, blinking, muscle and tissue movement, pulsation of the heart, and all movements the cell membranes. Sometimes called the wind element, Vata’s qualities are cold, dry, light, irregular. Vata is more prominent from autumn into winter when it is cold and drier, in the early morning before the sun rises and mid-afternoon. At these times, Vata energizes the body and mind.

Pitta = Fire + Water: Pitta is the energy of transformation. Pitta governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism and body temperature. Pitta’s qualities are hot, intense and sharp. Pitta is more prominent in the summer when the weather is hot and humid, during the hours when the sun is at its strongest and light at night before sunrise, at which point Pitta can keep us awake.

Kapha = Earth + Water: Kapha is the energy of stability and structure. Kapha supplies the water for all bodily parts and systems. It lubricates joints, moisturises the skin, and maintains immunity. Kapha’s main qualities are cold, heavy, wet and static. Kapha is most prominent in spring, from sunrise to mid-morning and from evening to night time. Kapha’s energy brings heaviness to the body and mind leading into sleep.

Ayurveda believes that our unique ratio of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha provides us with a blueprint for optimal health. The 3 Doshas govern the body's systems, offering insights into how to heal when imbalanced. 

The essence of Ayurveda lies in grasping the subtle energies and qualities of the Doshas, utilising them to restore balance and harmony for a happier, healthier body and mind.